Ez történt - Szeptember 8.-án
... Prince Boleslav V The Pious (1221-1279). Boleslav had extended his rule over all of Poland in 1257. The statue served as the basis for the legal position of Jews in Poland and subsequent charters established their position as belonging to the prince's treasury and under his protection. The statue being issued soon after the expulsion of Jews from France and persecution in Germany,...
2013-09-08 00:11:02
Ez történt - Augusztus 25.-én
... while almost 60,000 German Jews were able to leave to Eretz Israel.

1934 August 25, "ILLEGAL" IMMIGRATION - HA'APALAH (ALIYAH BET) (1934-1948)
The arrival of the Vellos (chartered by the HeHalutz movement) and its 350 refugees signaled the beginning of organized efforts to save European Jewry. Although illegal immigration had been taking place since 1920, only no...
2013-08-25 08:59:25
Ez történt - Augusztus 17.-én
... small colony, recently occupied by the English, gave full rights to the Jews (mostly Spanish and Portuguese refugees) to practice Judaism and run their own affairs. This remarkably liberal charter was transferred over to the Dutch when they conquered the colony as a means of encouraging the Jews to remain.

1879 August 17, - 1974 SAMUEL GOLDWYN (Goldfish) (Poland-USA) |...
2013-08-17 08:54:24
Ez történt - Augusztus 14.-én
Augusztus 14.

1447 August 14, CASIMIR IV (Poland)
Following a fire in Posen which decimated the community, Casimir IV renewed all the rights of Jews and made his charter one of the most liberal in Europe. This charter lasted less then a decade before it was revoked.

1843. augusztus 14. Hét évig tartó véres harcok után véget ér a második szeminol hábo...
2013-08-14 09:16:22
Ez történt - Augusztus 12.-én
... katasztrófája során több mint 70 ezren vesztették életüket.

1530 August 12, GERMANY
A charter was granted to the Jews despite the protests of Martin Luther. Josel of Rosheim, the famous shtadlan or interceder, was instrumental in its passing.

1553. augusztus 12. I...
2013-08-12 10:03:35
Ez történt - Augusztus 9.-én
... from Shanghai and North China.

1941: President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill meet at Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. The meeting produces the Atlantic Charter, an agreement between the two countries on war aims, even though the United States is still a neutral country.

1941: German Army Group South resumes its offensive to the east, a...
2013-08-09 08:02:09
Ez történt - Augusztus 8.-án

1945: President Harry S. Truman signed the United Nations Charter.

1945: Soviets declares war on Japan.

1991. augusztus 8. ,,Kis golyóálló műanyag autókában érkezik a nemzetnek...
2013-08-08 08:20:43
Egy újabb zsidó babonás őrület ....
... into the 1951 movie of the same name.

He also wrote 69 "Crunch and Des" stories...
2013-07-30 10:21:51
Ez történt - Július 27.-én
Július 27.

1400 July 27, KING LADISLAS (Naples, Italy)
Offered the Jews a charter which would give them economic equality.

1656. július 27. A Talmuddal és a Bibliával szemben kritikus, a zsidó nép kiválasztottságát pedig tagadó és ezért eretneknek minősített nézetei miatt az amszterdami zsinagóga elrendeli Spinoza alias Baruch d'Espinoza kiközösíté...
2013-07-27 09:04:03
Ez történt - Június 25.-én

1945: The allies announce the division of Austria into four administrative zones. British Second Army in Germany is to be disbanded and sent back to Britain.

1945: The UN Charter is signed by representatives at San Francisco.

1946. június 25. Gál Csaba, 1944. november 4-től a Szálasi-kormány személyi ügyek kormánybiztosa a BBB (bibsi-bolsi bossz...
2013-06-25 09:22:07
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Címkék: Prince Boleslav The Pious, German Jews, Eretz Israel, ALIYAH BET, European Jewry, SAMUEL GOLDWYN, CASIMIR IV, Casimir IV, Martin Luther, North China, President Franklin Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Placentia Bay, Atlantic Charter, United States, German Army Group South, President Harry, United Nations Charter, KING LADISLAS, British Second Army, újabb zsidó, decade before, második szeminol, neutral country, charter which, amszterdami zsinagóga, muziekmaassluis, representatives, administrative, kormánybiztosa, katasztrófája, newfoundland, instrumental, immigration, transferred, encouraging, persecution, amszterdami, established, remarkably, portuguese, szeptember, subsequent, eretneknek, renditions, minősített, interceder, protection, kiközösíté, vesztették, augusztus, decimated, following, organized, expulsion, belonging, chartered, beginning, conquered, community, president, nemzetnek, autókában, golyóálló, talmuddal, bibliával, francisco, disbanded, elrendeli, zsinagóga, photoshop,
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